Modern politics are less founded on an ideological basis. Policymakers are getting more flexible and pragmatic. THINK provides (un)solicited advice on the extent to which policies meet the basic principles of justice:

  • Every person has an equal right to a full basic package of rights and freedoms. These rights and freedoms are compatible with the rights and freedoms of others. The political government must guarantee these basic rights and freedoms.
  • Social and economic inequality is only justified if it is linked to positions open to everyone and/or if it benefits the least advantaged in society.
  • All gouvernment actions must be proportional with respect to personal responsibility and autonomy.

Modern politics are less founded on an ideological basis. Policymakers are getting more flexible and pragmatic. THINK provides (un)solicited advice on the extent to which policies meet the basic principles of justice:

  • Every person has an equal right to a full basic package of rights and freedoms. These rights and freedoms are compatible with the rights and freedoms of others. The political government must guarantee these basic rights and freedoms.
  • Social and economic inequality is only justified if it is linked to positions open to everyone and/or if it benefits the least advantaged in society.
  • All gouvernment actions must be proportional with respect to personal responsibility and autonomy.


THINK is an initiative of a group of enthousiatic political followers that debates on the implications of policy. Their common observation is that most policymakers are very keen on the ‘What’ of a policy-proposal, but spend to little time on the ‘Why’ and ample time on the implications of the “How”.

To help policymakers with connecting these dots and to facilitate them with viewpoints on the issue of social equality in their proposals, THINK is a platform for debate on basis of the thougt-experiment as developed by John Rawls. We conveniently shop in the works of other political philosophers like Dworkin and Habermas and are not afraid to use modern resources as the work of cultural anthropologer Sinek or others.

Al our effords aim at the creation of a  scientific basis for the development of our viewpoints.


The Honest Story About the Loan System and the ‘Unlucky Generation’.

There is still much debate surrounding the loan system. Are we the 'unlucky generation?' What is the problem now? Should there be compensation, and if so, what kind? Let's scrutinize these questions to see if we can find a solution. Who am I? Before we delve into the...

Habermas vs Rawls

Exploring Their Perspectives on Social Justice Social justice is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been the subject of extensive philosophical inquiry. Two prominent figures in contemporary political philosophy, Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls, have made...

John Rawls & Ronald Dworkin

John Rawls, through his influential work “A Theory of Justice,” redefined social justice by proposing principles of equal basic liberties and the difference principle, Ronald Dworkin emphasized individual resources and personal responsibility in his equality theory. Both philosophers contributed significantly to the discourse on justice, offering diverse perspectives crucial for shaping social and political equality in contemporary society.

Jurgen Habermas

Jürgen Habermas The Philosopher of Communicative Action Jürgen Habermas, born on June 18, 1929, in Düsseldorf, Germany, is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers and social theorists of the 20th century. His prolific contributions have profoundly...

Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek Inspiring Leaders to Start With Why Simon Sinek, born on October 9, 1973, in Wimbledon, London, is a motivational speaker, author, and organizational consultant renowned for his profound insights into leadership, management, and human behavior. With a...

Ronald Dworkin

Ronald Dworkin A Legal Philosopher of Exceptional Insight Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013), an eminent American philosopher, legal scholar, and public intellectual, left an indelible mark on the fields of jurisprudence and political philosophy. Born on December 11, 1931, in...

John Rawls

John Rawls Architect of Modern Political Philosophy John Bordley Rawls, born on February 21, 1921, in Baltimore, Maryland, was a renowned American philosopher whose contributions revolutionized the field of political philosophy. Rawls’ profound ideas on justice,...

The future start later

Notes on Volt Election Program 2023 The program committee has delivered a program on time. My compliments for the effort and production that resulted in about 125 pages of program points. They have managed to produce a text that is clearly divided into chapters,...

Hello world!

Modern politics are less founded on an ideological basis. Policymakers are getting more flexible and pragmatic. Our thinktank provides (un)solicited advice on the extent to which policies meet the basic principles of justice: Every person has an equal right to a full...


Project 2

"de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore...

Renaissance van het migratiebeleid

Inleiding Migratie is van alle tijden. Mensen verplaatsen zich van streken waar het onveilig is en/of de economische omstandigheden weinig toekomstkansen bieden naar betere oorden. Zolang Europa langdurige vrede,...


Modern politics are less founded on an ideological basis. Policymakers are getting more flexible and pragmatic. THINK provides (un)solicited advice on the extent to which policies meet the basic principles of social justice. 

The members of THINK are all volunteers who contribute their professional expertise to reach to the heart of the matter.